Effective date 1st June 2017.
Please take the time to read our Terms of Use. We know you might find it boring - and to be honest it is - and that you would rather be using butterfly right now, but it’s important.
The Terms are a contract between you and butterfly and are applicable whenever you access and use our website, mobile application, products and content. In a nutshell, our Services.
By accessing or using butterfly (whether you create a registered user account or not) you agree to be bound by our Terms of Use. It’s your choice - so if you don’t like what you read – that’s cool but DON’T use butterfly.
These terms are in place to protect all users and provide a safe platform for you to enjoy, explore and participate in all of butterfly’s features and Services now and in the future.
We want you to feel confident and comfortable in using butterfly and sharing your content. We at butterfly are dedicated to providing Services that our users can identify, explore and have fun with; without fear of bullying or reprisal.
Okay so here they are:
1 / You need to be 17 years of age or older.
Why, because butterfly is an app for adults not minors.
At the core of butterfly’s philosophy is the fundamental principle of being inclusive - allowing all users should they choose - to collaborate, engage, meet or simply have fun with other butterfly users. To create communities of interest where users can support and mentor each other and stop the feeling of isolation and the lack of self worth felt by so many in this digital age. However, we equally need you to be of an age and maturity that you can make sensible judgments and keep safe.
2 / Bear in mind that you are fully responsible for the content you upload, share and post on your profile. THINK TWICE. If you think it will not be suitable or appropriate. Our mantra is: IF IN DOUBT - LEAVE IT OUT.
3 / DON’T copy, share or post personal information about other users or third parties unless you have express permission to do so.
4 / DON’T impersonate or pretend to be someone else. Be Yourself. That includes having a valid email address.
5 / Wearing “NOTHING BUT A SMILE” isn’t going to work here, so please DON’T post nude, sexuality explicit or suggestive photos - it's gross and SO, SO not appropriate or acceptable.
6 / Please DON’T post hate or violent threats. Denigrating, abusive comments or threats regarding race, sexuality, religious choice, political belief or anything else whether personal or general is simply a huge NO, NO. DON’T do it. We will not tolerate such activity, regardless who or whatever it is directed at.
7 / DON’T upload posts or content that glorifies self harm or encourage others to self-harm. butterfly originated from our deep-seated purpose to enable all users of butterfly to feel a sense of value and self worth - so any such activity will not be tolerated.
8 / DON’T try and mislead or deceive others using fake tags or posts.
9 / DON’T upload or post Malware, including worms, Trojans or viruses. DON’T try to access non-public areas of our website(s) or circumvent our security. And don’t automate postings. To quote a recent pop song – “ I AM NOT A ROBOT”! Basically DON’T take the Phish.
10 / Spamming/ Spam No not the Luncheon meat invented by our friends across the pond nor the Monty Python sketch BUT unsolicited and really annoying bulk email. Take it we DON’T like this.
11/ / butterfly and its Services are not to be used by the user for any illegal or unauthorised purposes, including and not limited to copyright laws ergo DON’T infringe on other users copyrights and or trademarks and that includes ours! Butterfly Life Ltd owns all rights to our logo, butterfly and our website(s) including any intellectual property rights related to them.
You may not reuse, distribute, copy or duplicate any part of butterfly, including the butterfly HTML / CSS, Java Script, logos or branding without express written permission from butterfly. We will take a very dim view, even if you think it’s a compliment. So please DON’T.
12 / Please help us by reporting abusive behaviour or inappropriate content as soon you can, by emailing us at:
AND we will investigate and take whatever necessary action is appropriate and legal!
We really appreciate your input here, in helping us monitor our Services and helping safeguard our users. Likewise we would love to receive your feedback.
Equally we are happy to help you with any questions you may have about butterfly and its features. If so, please email us at:
And we will be in touch as soon as we can.
butterfly was built for you ! So your feedback is important.
We may from time to time update these Terms and will notify you if we make significant changes and the date from which they are effective.
We will do so by updating on our website www.butterfly.life and or by sending a notification to you via the butterfly life app.
As always - it’s about PEOPLE LIKE YOU !
Thanks from all of us in the butterfly team